Tuesday, October 8, 2019

October 8, 2019. San Antonio, Texas. Lunch.

Suzanne gives me free rein in the fridge, which is always full. Wonderful delicacies can be found. Sometimes Suzanne shows me where the leftover food can be found but most of the containers are new to me, so I explore. I have eaten delicious lunches since I have been here. Twice I ate the left overs from the second night I was here. The dish was delicious hot and is almost as good eaten cold. Of course I never heat anything. One day I ate two pieces of pizza. Today I ate the last of the lamb chops. Yesterday I found chicken salad so made a sandwich. Rummaging around someone else refrigerator is great sport. Suzanne always has containers of cheese and olives which I do not eat at lunch. I can always find yoghurt and berries but I eat them at breakfast. I look for the leftovers. One day we ate pork loin for dinner. There is still a bag of sliced pork in the fridge. One day I ate two pieces for lunch which were delicious. I still have containers I have not opened and as I have only two days left here in San Antonio I suspect I will probably leave them for the next person. As a kid, I always enjoyed looking into other peoples refrigerators. Now I am like a kid in a candy store just poking into all the boxes. Suzanne is good natured to allow me to just get at it and I appreciate her generosity. And I must say that my lunches are superb. I sit in the living room in the lovely living room and eat my splendid lunch. And I feel as if I am a Queen.

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