Monday, October 7, 2019

October 7, 2019. San Antonio, Texas. A Day in My Life

Years ago I would have never dreamed that I could enjoy so many days at home. But I do. Today was a perfect example. My day begins when everyone else leaves for work or school. Then I get up and make my tea, toast and fruit and sit in the living room and read while I eat. Right now I am reading an old edition of The New Criterion. Every hour or so I walk around the inside of the house. Next I read and respond to e mails. I never go outside by myself. David comes home for lunch, especially if there is a baseball game. When David returns to work I make my own lunch, using the leftover food from the fridge. As there were 4 games on TV today, this afternoon I took my nap on the couch in the TV room and found it comfortable. I unloaded the dishwasher and cleaned up the sink from breakfast. Then I retreated back to the baseball games. During the day I do my exercises and I walk around inside the house. David was the first one home today because he wanted to work with the dogs and to watch more baseball, so we watched together. I watched as he worked with Linc. He caches on quickly which is fun to see. When Suzanne came home she prepared dinner and we watched another game while we ate. The twins attend Youth Group tonight so they come home late. The rest of the evening we sat and talked while we watched yet another game. My days are pleasant and I am enjoying living in the home of David and Suzanne. I am happy being alone. I go out only with the family. For ten days I am just fine without major activities and I am delighted I came to visit. I hope I am not too much of a pest for them.

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