Thursday, June 11, 2020

June 11, 2020. Madison, Mississippi. Flying to Nova Scotia.

Two years ago, the year Ken was ill, we flew on a private Jnet to Halifax. It was expensive, $24,000. But Ken's statute had been installed and we both wanted to see it if possible. Ken actually knew the statute had been made, but he did not know it had been installed. Both Ken and I knew that Ken would not be able to fly commercial. In fact, until mid June, we did not think we could travel at all. Ken was getting better so I investigated flying on a private jet. The experience was wonderful and I commented to Ken that I wished we had worked harder and gotten rich because flying on a private jet was wonderful. Now I am flying commercial, leaving at 7:00 from Jackson and eventually arriving in Halifax at 11:15 pm. When I was on the phone with my friend Butch, I told him my flights. He immediately suggested I fly on a private jet. A few years ago he and his wife wanted to fly to Nashville so he checked on the price of a private jet and was told it was $10,000. I related to him the cost for us two years ago. He assured me he could find a better rate. So he did some research and talked to several companies. Today he called with his results. $36,000. He was stunned. The reason his Nashville flight was so cheap was because people fly back and forth all the time between Nashville and DC, so he did not pay both ways. No one is returning from Halifax so I paid for the pilot and plane to fly both ways. But I was startled to discover the increase in price in just two years. As I have said before, I wish I was rich. The private jet takes two and a half hours. You leave at the time of your choice. When you arrive, customs and immigration come to the plane and we cleared customs in five minutes. My G. our shuttle man was waiting beside the plane. We were at the house in five hours from our departure. So I save money and fly commercial. But when I know how long I will live, I am flying private Lear jet. That is definitely the best way to fly.

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