Sunday, June 7, 2020

June 7, 2020. Madison, Mississippi. This and That.

Today was the day I was supposed to be flying to Nova Scotia. Instead, I changed plans and now await the storm Christobal. The winds are high already although I still hear boats on the Reservoir. We had brunch at Saltines today at 11:00. We wanted to beat the storm. The oysters were delicious. They seemed especially good but perhaps that was just because we had not eaten them recently. The last time we were at Saltines was the last time Ken had brunch with the family. We had ordered 2 dozen oysters, as we were 6 people. Ken ate 10 plus he ate his whole meal. He was clearly feeling well. We were all pleased today that Ken enjoyed himself right until he passed away in his sleep the following Tuesday morning. Normally I do not watch press conferences but this week, which checking channels, I spotted a young lady answering questions. It turned out to be Kayleigh McEnerny, the press person for the President. She was terrific, the best conference I have ever seen. She was articulate and quick witted. Definitely worth watching. I must have a PET scan before I leave town, now scheduled for June 24. The nurse was wrong. Christina drove me home. She and Molly came inside while Christina helped me fix several items I was unable to solve. I do not call her Clever Christina for nothing. I have been saving a bunch of tasks. Now they are solved and I am set for the moment. But I always start a new list. They have just left in the hopes they will beat the rain. At the moment, New Orleans aeems to be the unlucky place when the storm will land. I am doing my blog early, just incase we have no power. Next I will look at the weather channel. So here we go.

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