Monday, June 8, 2020

June8, 2020. Madison, Mississippi. Forrest.

Several weeks ago I had an appointment with my eye doctor. Kashina was not able to drive me so I called for a Lyft. The driver's name was Forrest. We chattered away as we drove, which is normal for a Lyft driver. They are unfailingly polite and pleasant. When we arrived, the parking lot was blocked off. Forrest walked to the end of the parking lot to try to find how to get in. He discovered that we needed to drive up to the 2nd floor of the parking lot in order to access the building, so he did. And he parked and walked across the walkway until I arrived at the check in place. Many drivers would have just let me out in the parking lot on the main level. That was the day I lost my key. He looked for my key in his car and then agreed to pick me up to take me home. And he gave me his cell phone if I needed him. Since then, he has become my very own Lyft driver. I call him the day before I need him. He comes to my driveway at the proper time. Then I order a Lyft on my phone, which he responds immediately. It is a good system. Forrest always goes the extra mile to help me. Sunday was a perfect example. I was meeting the family at Saltines. When we arrived, he parked the car and walked with me up the stairs and along the hall and did not leave me until he had turned me over to the hostess. I did not ask him to help me. I had been to Saltines several time but I knew that getting in is difficult so I was a little anxious but Forrest bailed me out. I am always impressed when the service is extraordinary. All my drivers have been good but Forrest is better, so I stick with him. And of course, I tip him more which I am sure is why he is happy to drive for me. Tomorrow he will drive me to Sal & Phils for lunch. I now have my very own chauffeur. Pretty nice.

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