Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 10, 2012. Western Head, NS. The Fish Pond.

It is endlessly interesting, watching the fish in the pond.   At the beginning of the summer season the fish are jittery and wait a long time to come for food.  After all, they have been looking after themselves all winter.  Now, every day, Molly and I go out and feed the fish to try to entice them to come out of hiding  and show themselves.

At first, one lone orange colored gold fish came to eat, but only for a brief time.  In the mean time, we watching a snail crawl slowly from one lily pad to the next, and finally ending up on the side of the fountain, where it presumably went to sleep.  And we watched a damsel fly feast on a water lily.  

Molly, who is four, fished in the pond using a piece of grass.  Eventually, the fish appeared, one by one.  We discovered that we have at least five fish, one with black markings on the dorsal fin with the rest orange, and three black spottled.  Molly says there are more but perhaps she miscounted.  It is a small pond but a pretty one, and is endlessly interesting, both for Molly and for me.

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