Friday, July 1, 2016

July 1, 2016. Canyon Lake, Texas. Fire Ants.

Fire ants are tiny but they bite.  They live in the ground and if you are not careful, you will step on their ant hill.  When that happens, millions of these tiny red ants attack you and bite you which seems reasonable when you have stepped on their home.   When you live in Texas you are careful to never step on a fire ant home and when you see a nest being built, you stop them from living in your yard.

This morning, I was outside the CVS Pharmacy waiting for Ken to come out.  I had completed by tasks so decided to get out of the air conditioning.   While I was waiting I began my leg exercises standing beside the truck which was directly beside a grass area.  I stepped back onto the grass,  right in the center of a fire ant nest.  Within seconds, I had thousands of red ants on my foot and on my shoe.  Immediately they began biting.  Quickly I took off my Teva and rubbed off the ants but the damage was done.  Now not only do I itch from my chigger bites but also my right foot is full of small blisters made by the fire ants, which also itches.   It never rains but it pours.

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