Monday, May 18, 2020

May 18, 2020. Madison, Mississippi. Civil Disobedience.

People stayed home because they were told the new virus was extremely infectious. And they obeyed because they they were told that when the numbers of infections decreased along with the deaths the restrictions would be removed. The virus turned out not be be so infectious after all. And the curves flattened and went down. Then the goal post was changed. People were told that the restrictions to business would stay in place until a percentage of the population had been tested. And people got upset. And for good reasons. The policy made no sense. Finally, there is resistance. A Supreme Court Justice in Wisconsin declared the Governors edict to stay at home unconstitutional. So people could get out of their homes. The Governor of New York still has the stay at home rule even though sixty some percentage of the people who died in nursing homes in NY. 3000 churches have joined together and will hold church services soon. And a town in California has declared it a sanctuary city for business and will all return to work. Demonstrations are taking place in many many states. Good for them, said I. Who gave the mayor or the governor the right to tell the citizens what to do? it is not in their job description. Unless the officials get off their power high and mighty edicts, the country will see more civil disobedience, something the country has not seen since the sixties. And it is about time.

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