Sunday, May 24, 2020

May 24, 2020. Madison, Mississippi. Pedicure.

I had my last pedicure in Mexico. The day before Mississippi was locked down, I called VIP, the place I have my pedicures. They told me that they had people waiting and the wait would be at least an hour. So we stayed home. The next day when I called they had closed. So I was overdue but I waited. This week, Mississippi open3ed salons and barbers to the public so I called on Tuesday to be sure they were open. And to make a reservation. Normally, a customer just arrives and has a pedicure but when I called, they were taking reservations for regular customers so I made a reservation for Wednesday at 9 for two, Kashina and me. In the past, when I was taking Ibrance I would go at 9:00 because no one was there except the workers. But this past Wednesday, by 9:15, the place was full. And the p[lace stayed full all morning. They had 6 workers which meant the customers were spread out. As I watched, more folks walked in the door only to be told that they would have to come later. For the first twenty minutes, people made reservations for Friday but by the time we left, people were making a date next week. Clearly, there had been more people than me who needed pedicures and manicures. I never have manicures but Kashina needed her nails done so I suggested we both have one, along with the pedicure. I can no longer cut my toe nails so a pedicure is essential but I normally just clip my finger nails. They grow quickly so I do them every two weeks while I have a pedicure every three months. And I never apply polish to my finger nails. I just pick them off. But this time, I enjoyed the manicure. They soak the nails and they massage my hands. And my nails are even. But I suspect I will never have another. Sitting still for the pedicure is all I can stand. Both Kashina and I were delighted that Mississippi allowed the salons to open. We were both very much in need of their help.

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