Saturday, January 9, 2021

January 9, 2021. Playa Royale, Mexico. A Close Call.

Sometimes I do stupis things. My first night here, Sunday, was one of those times. All week I was keeping my stupidity to myself but today I dcided to confess. I was weary and needed a good night sleep. The last tim I met Dr. S. my Oncologist I complained about the sleeping pills she had described so she suggested another type. Evidently, the nw meds works well. But she did warn me to stay in bed for 8 hours. I forget now what it was called but when I told Kashina, she told me to be sure to be in bed before I take the pill, because she said it works quickly. But she said that I would sleep sondly all night. My problem is that I get up to the bathroom at least once every night so I decided not to use the new medication. Instead I used the first one which I was working. So I just kept the new sleeping pills but never used them. When I am extremely tired I struggle to fall asleep so at the last minute on Sunday night, I decided to take one of the new meds, the ones that keep you asleep for 8 hours. As warned by Kashina, I fell asleep immediately. And I stayed asleep until 5:00 when I needed to get to the bathroom, which I did. But my legs wee shaky. When I went to sit on the commode, I was turned and ended up sitting half on the toilet. Fortunately I had my back and side to the wall along the shower and the toilet tank so when I leaned back I ended up against the wall which woke me awake. To make sure I had not leaked, I pulled a towel in front of the commode. And I went back to bed and asleep. One of the side effects of this medication are dreams. When I woke up in the morning, I tried to figure out if I had been dreaming. I actually needed to verify that the towel was on the floor in front of the commode. I will not use those sleeping pills again. Had I sat on the other side of the commode I would have fallen back to nothing but the wall and the marble floor, which would not have been good. Again I was lucky. And I also was stupid to be using a new sleeping pill in a new place. Ken would not have been pleased.

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