Tuesday, January 15, 2019

January 15, 2019. Playa Royale, Mexico. Green Sausage.

Why would one ever want green sausages? Ken and Wendy wondered when they looked at the array of sausages at the Mega Grocery store. Half of the display was green sausage. So they bought a package just to see how they tasted. Ken suspected that they were hot. They definitely were green. Tonight for dinner we ate one green sausage and one regular Mexican sausage along with a cucumber salad. The regular sausage was as expected it to be but the green sausage was unusual. It was not hot but in the middle was a very green circle of something. The taste and texture was unusual but not necessarily distasteful. The green sausage came across as bland. Wendy spoke for all of us when she said that once she tasted one green sausage she did not wish to eat another one. After dinner Ken looked up green sausages. It turns out that one of the states in Mexico specializes in green sausages. They are made with ground spinach. The center green stuff is the ground spinach. But we all asked the same question, which is why would one want a green sausage? We will doubtless never know.

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