Friday, January 18, 2019

January 18, 2019. Playa Royale, Mexico. The Tribute Artist.

We three went out to dinner and to hear a tribute artist, the one who used to be called an Elvis Impersonator. Rob Knight does not impersonate Elvis. He pays tribute to Elvis with his singing and his dress. But we call him an Elvis Impersonator. We enjoyed our dinner and we enjoyed the show. The restaurant was just along the shore but too far to walk at night. We took a cab. Our reservation was for 7:00. The restaurant cooked Memphis barbecue which turned out just like Texas barbecue and was delicious. The show started just after we finished dinner. At the front of the little restaurant was flashing lights and I thought the singer would come onto the restaurant through all the lights but not so. The singer, Rob, came in through the side door complete with the white Las Vegas costume looking like Elvis. Except Rob is short. He started singing immediately. The room was dark and the costume was white so we could see the singer...but not clearly. At first I thought a spotlight would be turned onto the singer but I was wrong. He stayed in the dark all night. I figured out that the darkness was part of the show. Rob is not young, perhaps 55. And he does not look like Elvis. But he sings like Elvis and he certainly knows all the songs. He sang with no break for 90 minutes. And he sang well. He sang his heart out. We all enjoyed the show. It was great sport singing along with all the songs. Now if he could just stay in tune I would have been happier. But thanks to Wendy and Ken who found the tribute artist and who made the reservation and paid for dinner. Hats off to them. I really enjoyed dinner and the show.

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