Thursday, January 17, 2019

January 17, 2019. Playa Royale, Mexico. The Chief.

Wendy has been promoted. Once upon a time, she was Wonderful Wendy. This morning, she became The Chief. Actually she became The Chief of Breakfasts but I call her Chief for short...but only in the morning. In the afternoon and evening she reverts to Wonderful Wendy. Our mornings in the condo are quiet. Wendy always gets up first and makes coffee. The others wander out to the balcony with a cup of coffee where we talk and count the boats and try to see the island. One by one we each get to the kitchen to prepare our breakfasts. And we drink more coffee as we eat outside. The system works well. But today Wendy changed our plans. While we were sitting drinking our coffee this morning, Wendy brought out a big plate of fruit. Soon in front of us appeared a breakfast plate. Eggs and toast for Ken and toast with peanut butter and banana on my plate. Eggs and toast for her. Pretty nifty. So we promoted her to be The Chief of Breakfasts. We all wonder when she will resign. We will find out tomorrow.

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