Tuesday, January 22, 2019

January 22, 2019. Playa Royale, Mexico. The Dentist.

On the elevator this morning a lady commented to us that we were probably all going to the beach for the day. But I contradicted her by saying that I was actually going to the dentist. "Oh no", she said. "I hate going to the dentist", She wished me well as we all got off the elevator. Up until that time, I had not thought anything about the dentist. I had made an appointment last week to have my teeth cleaned and today was the day. I had no apprehension of the appointment. Wendy and Ken walked with me to the mall. They always come with me if I am leaving the compound of Playa Royale. While I was at the dentist they were puttering around the shops. And we were meeting for lunch at the Mexican restaurant on the second floor. Many people have dental work in Mexico. The dentists are high tech and well trained. They can do everything and all for over half the price of an American dentist. They can make crowns and implants and everything known to man. Just close to us we have two dentists who are busy all the time. One is in the hospital building across the street and one is in the mall. People tell me I should use the two in Bucerias because they are cheaper. But I stick with the dentist in the mall who we have used for years. Their prices have gone up. Ten years ago I paid 500 pesos to have my teeth cleaned. Today I paid 700. Last year I could not have my teeth cleaned because I was taking chemo. But this year I got my teeth cleaned. I feel triumphant. The moment I opened my mouth in the chair I remembered that I also do not enjoy going to the dentist. I repeat to my self "This too shall pass". And it does. Now all is well with me teeth for another year. Whew.

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