Saturday, January 5, 2019

January 5, 2019. Playa Royale, Mexico. A Simple Excursion.

I am easily entertained. Today Sara Lou and I took an ordinary excursion and turned it into a a major event. We had a lot of fun doing something that was ordinary. What we did was to go to the big grocery store. Sara Lou had read about the Mega grocery store and she wanted to see a big Mexican store so we did. First we took a taxi to the Mega store in Bucerias. Our grocery list was short because we did not really go to the store to buy groceries. We were there to inspect the place. But we did have a list. The first decision we had was to decide whether or not we would each push a cart. The decision was for me to push the cart and SLC would put stuff into the cart. Our goal was to go up and down every isle and we did. The grocery store is wonderful. The produce is fresh and plentiful. Every section is excellent but I like the bakery best of all. The store has many products to buy that are ready to eat. I never buy them because I do not know how to serve most of them. SL was impressed with the place. The most unusual thing today was that the store was not crowded at all. I expected it to be crowded with families. I don't know if Mexican families do not shop on Saturday afternoon but today the store was almost empty which was nice for us because we were just walking slowly up and down. When we had paid for our purchases we took a taxi home to Playa. With a quick trip upstairs with our groceries in a cart, our job was done. For dinner we ate our new food which was chicken, fresh bread and salad. We both congratulated ourselves for our enjoyable excursion which was simple but pleasant. It was our only excursion os the day. For sure, we are easily satisfied.

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