Monday, June 10, 2019

June 10, 2019. San Antonio, Texas. A True Story.

Teddy's family is in the military and lived in a place where there was no need for Teddy to get a drivers license. Last year he with his family moved to San Antonio, where driving is not an option but a necessity. And he enrolled at the same school as Allison. After the school year, he took the course required by law, and he took the practice required to gain expertise. And he took the test and passed with flying colors. The parents bought Teddy a used small car. He was happy. On the same day as he obtained his driver's license, he called Allison to go out with him for lunch to celebrate his license. He picked her up in his new to him automobile and headed to the restaurant. But he was forced to turn left. Just as he was completing his turn a car him on the right side, fortunately at the back door. Everyone was fine but the airbag went off which is a bit of shock so Allison was shaken up as was Teddy. Both set of parents along with the police arrived in short order. But the reality of the situation was that on the first day that Teddy received his license, he also had his first accident. Fortunately, no one was injured but the car was a total loss. From now on, Allison had stated that when they go out anywhere, she will drive in her big truck. No more little cars for her. She has owned a driver's license for two years with no accidents. "From now on, I will drive," said Allison. Teddy gets a lot of jokes around his big day. We did all laugh too. Poor Teddy is not amused.

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