Saturday, June 8, 2019

June 8, 2019. San Antonio, Texas. A Happy Day.

The last thing we did today on this happy day was watch Moneyball on TV. Suzanne ordered it and paid for it and we watched together. Every one in the family was there except Sarah who is still in Australia. The girls had not read the book but all the adults had read it years ago. And Suzanne and David had actually seen the movie. But it is a movie worth watching again and we all enjoyed watching it. After dinner, the girls made brownies so during the movie we ate our dessert of brownies and ice cream. Our dinner was splendid. David smoked lamb chops which were juicy with full of flavor. Suzanne cooked a vegetable dish of eggplant, squash and tomatoes which was delicious. Abigail does not like eggplant but the rest of us voted to keep the recipe. The salad was made of fresh cucumbers from the garden, feta cheese and fresh tomatoes just gathered from David's garden. Dinner was a big hit. We 6 discussed the question of how young women protect themselves from sexual predators. All three girls gave good answers and It was clear to me that they knew how to look after themselves. Suzanne cooked all afternoon, using up all the tomatoes. She cooked tomato basil soup, tomato puree for the freezer and another dish with eggplant that I can not spell. The tasters were pleased with the results. David and I watched the tennis semi final, which was played yesterday. But neither of us had watched the match so we had fun. At noon, David came to pick me up at the lake. I spent the morning getting ready to leave the lake house so I was ready when he arrived for me. We drove home on back roads to avoid 281 which I enjoyed. So my stay at the lake is over. Now I will enjoy the family here in San Antonio. Today was one happy day for me.

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