Friday, June 28, 2019

June 28, 2019. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Atlantic Sands.

Once upon a time, there was a convenience store on Main Street but out from the business part of the town. It is close to a spring where lots of people come to fill up big water bottles. They prefer the Spring water to the town water. But it is a destination location. You would never just stumble upon the little store. Five years ago the store closed and stayed boarded up, tight as a drum. On Saturday, Gill showed me the newly opened store. She told me that the young couple have moved here and now bake carrot cake and cheesecakes, in addition to having other convenient products. Gill wanted us to go in and buy a slice of carrot cake. I refused to get out of the car so we went on to the Caledonian Symphony. Anna and I went on Monday to order a cake but they were closed. I called on Tuesday to place an order. It turned out that the lady is the baker but does not bake cheesecake. But she did bake pies. As I will soon have a full house I ordered a carrot cake, an apple pie and multiple cookies. I arranged to pick them up on Friday when Anna could drive me. I burst out laughing when I walked in the door. At least three people had told me about the young couple who opened the store so I fully expected to meet young folks. I had to tell the new owners why I was laughing. The new owners are in their sixties and have come back to Liverpool to retire. They have done a great job with the place. Both the inside and outside look great. Now my fridge and freezers are full of their goodies. This afternoon, at the end of a b busy day, Anna and I drank a cup of herbal tea accompanied by a delicious cinnamon roll. These retired folks are definitely an asset to the community. Atlantic Sands will keep me in desserts for sure. Now why did I not order two apple pies when I will have 10 house guests? Brain freeze I guess.

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