Friday, March 13, 2020

March 13, 2020. Madison, Mississippi. My Phone Purse.

When we returned from Mexico when Ken was ill, we had many medical people coming to visit Ken. Their pattern was the same. They phoned to be sure we were home. If we did not answer the phone, they would go to the next person on the list. My pattern was to leave my phone on a counter in the kitchen but with their system, I was required to answer the phone quickly. At first I used a pocket for a phone that Ken had used. It hangs around your neck., But that one hurt my neck so Ken offered to order me a phone purse on the internet, which he did. Ken was a good shopper. He looks at everything before he decides to buy. Finally he selected a phone purse for me. He was pleased with it but he thought it was too expensive. When it arrived I was pleased. It is leather with a metal chain that goes around the whole purse. One side is for the phone and the other is a little purse with a flap. I have used it ever since. It may be the most useful gift that Ken ever game me. But I did a stupid thing. Last year in Mexico I started to carry my reading glasses on the same side of the phone. When I got home I realized that I had stretched the leather. And worse, the stitching was stretched for about an inch at the top. My solution was to use duct tape. Rita objected and encouraged me to find a shoe repair man to stitch up the stretched part. So on Wednesday, with Kashina we visited our friendly shoe repairman. His shop smells delightful of leather and glue. He looked at my tale of woe and suggested that he could run a line of stitches just inside the join. He even did it while we waited. Now my little purse is perfect again. But I had to promise him that I would never push anything in that area but the phone. I am a happy camper.

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