Saturday, October 17, 2020

October 17, 2020. Madison, Mississippi. A Different Day.

I am always surprised when I go through a whole day and speak to no one, nor do I see anyone. Today was a day opposite to yesterda. Today I was home indide my house all day. But what is most unusual is that I enjoyed myself being alone all day. Several days in a row might be difficult but today was no problem. I try to spread up the people who come to help, just so I have some company. And I reach out to friends to have lunch or coffee with me. But many days I am by myself. Much to my astonishment I quite enjoy my own company. All morning I read. I subscribe to National Geopgraphic History and Molly enjoys reading it too. As I will see her tomorrow, I wanted to finish reading the issue to take it to Molly. I keep some structure to my days by completing my excercises and my walking. Even though the day was pleasant I decided to walk inside which I did. Today there were two baseball games which were exciting. The Dodgers forced the 7th game of the series this afternoon while the Astros lost to the Rays who now will now be in the World Series. I watch the games intermittantly. For a late lunch I ate my leftover lunch from Amerigo which pleased me because it reminded me of my pleasant lunch with Eleanor, and necause all I had to do was heat it up. Fortunately, this house is pleasant and I like being here. The boats are still on the water and the bird sounds are noisy. But mostly I hear myself or the television. Today I enjoyed a day all by myself. And as my father used to say when he was alone, I enjoyed my own company.

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