Thursday, October 29, 2020

October 29, 2020. Madison, Mississippi. The Walkway.

I keep my eyes on the floor when I walk. I never looked up at the ceiling of the walkway from the kitchen to the garage. My neighbors have a glass enclosed walkway which they have used as a solarian but our walkway is open with lattice work on both sides and a ceiling keeping us from getting wet. Today, two agile young men speaking spanish were making repairs to something that I did not know was broken. I noticed that 2 of the three lights in the walkway had burned out, so I called Chantes, my handyman. I also noticed that one bulb was burned out in the living room. Two days later, he came and while here, checked all the lights. Turned out that three more of the ceiling bulbs in the kitchen were burned out too, so he replaced them all. Fortunately, Ken had kept a good supply in the pantry. While Chantes was replacing the bulbs in the walklway, he noticed that water had been leaking and the boards were rotten. He had me look at the ceiling. Before he replaced the bulb he needed to repair the roof. Then he needed to repair the ceiling of the walkway. It all began as a simple request. Now it is not so simple. But thanks to Chantes and his crew I will have good light in the walkway. which will not leak. Now I am all set with this house. Lots of light and no water leaks in the walkway. I am glad to have Chantes fix the problems. He is a good fellow for sure.

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