Wednesday, October 21, 2020

October 21, 2020. Madison, Mississippi. Radiation.

I knew something was not right because my back was hurting. My Oncologist spoke with the radiologist about the lesion on my back, which had gotten larger. She wanted it measured. During the last scan it was 11. Now it is 17 so it clearly had grown, even though I was on Ibrance. The cancer on my back is the same place orinally, which evidently is a bad sign. So today we decided to use radiation on that spot. Tomorrow, the Radiologist will call me to set it up. As always, when you have one appointment with a doctor it turns into more appointments. So far I have no idea what is involved. My anxiety is that when I had radiation after my lumpectomy, the radiation clipped my left carotid, which mad my left carotic artery hard. That was when I lost my words so I must be sure that nothing else will be impacted with the radiation. But I will proceed with the radiation, along with the Ibrance and letrozole. So here I go again with yet another procedure. The sooner the better for me.

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