Mary Frances enjoyed camping. She and her friends have gone to the state parks several times and enjoyed themselves every time. The last time they went the weather was chilly but they went anyway. They stayed the whole weekend even thought it snowed and was below freezing at night. This weekend, they went camping again, this time to a state park just outside Vicksburg. So they arrived and set up the tent early Saturday morning.
Their day started out well with a hike. Mary Frances made a fire and they sat around the fire eating their lunch and enjoying themselves. But then it started to rain so they retreated to the tent and played cards. Almost nothing is worse than a rain on a camping trip. Mary Frances has a good tent but she has no dining fly so cooking outside was always wet to try to prepare dinner. But they did, eating in the tent and eating their dinner. But by now they are all damp and chilly.
And some point, someone suggested that they were only one hour from home so perhaps they should pack up their stuff and head for home. By the time they packed up their belongings and headed home, then dropped everyone off at their respective homes, the night was late. By the time Mary Frances brought in her belongings and stretched them out to dry, the night was late and Mary Frances was weary. So she missed brunch and slept in. She reported to Christina that they had a good time even in the rain. They just decided to get out of the rain and go home. Smart campers.