Saturday, January 14, 2017

January 14, 2017. Playa Royale, Mexico. The Big Shift.

On Wednesday, Alana had to return to school in Hamilton.  Now today Katy and Brock left for Toronto and work.  Today, Wendy and Ken stayed to help us move into our condo at Playa Royale, which is just down the road from Paradise Village.  A big golf cart brought us here and the kind bellman brought all our bags to our 701.  Immediately after checking in and depositing our bags, we four walked to the restaurant on the beach, one of our favorite places for lunch.  

Then,  Wendy and Ken brought all our belongings from the 2 lockers and piled them on the dining table.  What took them 20 minutes would have taken me hours so we appreciated their efforts.  Wendy and I began putting things away which  is always  fun.  I can even remember where we keep things.

The final task for the young ones was to go to the grocery store, which  they did, returning with enough supplies to last us a few days.  Next week Ken and I will take a taxi to the Mega grocery store  but for now we are set.  We are organized.  The computers are plugged in and working.  All our belongings are in their proper place.  We are grateful to Wendy and Ken for staying an  extra day to help us.  And we are  enjoying them for an extra day too.   Tomorrow, they return to cold weather. But for now, we four are enjoying 80 degrees while sitting on the balcony.  Pretty nice to have this big shift behind us.

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