Sunday, January 22, 2017

January 22, 2017. Playa Royale, Mexico. The March.

Why on earth were all those women marching down the Mall in DC?  There seemed to have no purpose other than to get together, use gallons and gallons of gasoline and make themselves feel good.   But they accomplished nothing.  I listened carefully to the interviews and the leaders had no answer as to what they were doing.  In the United States of America it is very little for a woman to protest so the leaders all stated that it was not a protest march.  So what were they doing?

The sad thing is that the American women's movements have yet to lift a finger to help other countries where women do not  really have any opportunities.  Nor do they raise their voice about the lives of women living in Muslim countries.  It would have made sense if they had marched to the Saudi embassy to protest that women can not drive there.  But no.  They march for no purpose, accomplishing nothing.   I can think of at least fifty things these women could have been doing to help other women, but that would need real work and organization.

American feminists have not had a new idea in 25 years at least.  When did they come up with this ridiculous idea to drag all these women downtown and march not only in DC but in other cities around the world.  When are they going to start helping women who are needy?  Classes for keeping a budget, set up co-op babysitting pools,  parenting classes.  My Salvation Army background cries out for action that is going to help people in need.  This march was a farce.

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