Monday, January 23, 2017

January 23, 2017. Playa Royale, Mexico. An American Success.

This is a true story, the tale of an American woman.  I met her in 1988, when she was looking for a job.  My jobs were full but I always interview everyone who asks, both staff and agents, so I met her on a Saturday morning.  We talked for an hour.  I kept careful notes.  What was most impressive to me was why she and her husband wanted to move to  Maryland.  They had one daughter who was in Kindergarten in Brooklyn, New York.  Both the lady and her husband graduated from Brooklyn High School and she knew her education was terrible, so they wanted to move to Montgomery County, because the schools were good.  She had no family in Maryland.  They were all in Brooklyn.  But she wanted her only daughter to attend good schools.  Both she and her husband were looking for jobs.  When one of them got a job, they would move and the other would get a job too.

I had no job but I thanked her for meeting with me.  I was impressed with her, even though her diction and speech patterns were not good.  I kept my notes in my file.

Two weeks later, one of my administrative staff quit so I called the young lady.  I offered her the job.  She gave notice at her work, and three weeks later she started to work in the office.  Her husband and daughter moved along with the lady.  The daughter did well at school.  The husband and the lady joined a local church  because they thought the daughter would have better friends, and she did.  The daughter graduated from high school and went to college on a scholarship.  She graduated with a B. of Sc. with an RN.  She was accepted at Medical school in a 6 year program.  In exchange for working in the dialysis lab, the daughter was given tuition.  Parents provided room and board.

 That daughter is now on the faculty of  Duke University in the  Anesthesia department.   That is a true American success story.  That young lady I interviewed was Regina.

Shortly after she started work, Peppy took her in hand, and gave her instructions as to how to speak properly on the phone.  It was the funniest thing I have every heard.  Peppy forcing Regina to speak exactly as Peppy was speaking.  And Regina wanted to be able to do it properly too.  They worked for an hour.  Regina never again spoke incorrectly on the phone.  She wanted to get better and she did.

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