Tuesday, January 3, 2017

January 3, 2016. Madison, Mississippi. The Reservoir.

Now the reservoir looks normal.  The stump that we could see has disappeared.  When we arrived, it was a foot and a half out of the water.  We had never seen that stump before we arrived in the Fall.  This lake was made by building a dam which covered the trees and bushes as it flooded.  Right in front of our house was a park full of rose bushes.  The stump beside our dock is left over from the trees.  Fortunately, the stump is fairly close to the shore so should not impede boats.  Ken thinks it should have a marker, now that we know it is there.

For two days and two night it rained.  Yesterday afternoon, all TV channels were giving information about the storm and the tornados.  For two hours, all local channels had been taken over by the emergency services of the state.  Just when I was about to watch the Outdoor Hockey game in St. Louis, the channel was taken over by the emergency weather reporting.    They stayed on TV until we were no longer under a tornado watch.  Weird.   We were supposed to immediately go to the lowest spot in our house and stay there.  The trouble for us was that we had no storm where we live.  Later in the day we had thunder and lightning but no wind.  But lots and lots of rain.  All day and all night.  I think we are back to normal with our water levels.  The Reservoir looks much better.  We are pleased.

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