Tuesday, April 16, 2019

April 16, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Air Conditioning.

A friend who lived in Vancouver once said to me, "I hate air conditioning." I just laughed and said that if she ever lived in Galveston, she would appreciate it. But I knew what she meant. Even in the hottest days, I must wear a wrap in restaurants because the rooms are too cold. Ken and I always disagreed on temperature in our cars at lease before dual controls came along. Ken was too hot and I was too cool. So I kept a long sleeved denim shirt in the car to keep we warm. I had been holding out turning on the air conditioning. I have no idea why. We have three thermostats to change and they all require me to wear reading glasses and carry a flashlight. But last week when the temperature was going to be 80 I turned the cooling on. And we were all comfortable. Except then the weather got chilly. I assumed it would get warm again so resisted changing the thermostats again. But it got to be 68 in the house and I finally gave up and put the heat on. I was warm and cosy once again. This afternoon when I returned from my walk I was sweating and could not get cooled down. I finally realized that the room temperature was 78. Again I turned on the air-conditioning. I hope I have made the switch for the last time. The house is comfortable and cool. I still laugh when I recall my friend's comment. I on the other hand, understand the need for cool air. I live in the South.

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