Monday, April 8, 2019

April 8, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Projects.

Wendy loves projects. Since arriving here almost 2 weeks ago she has put my house in order. Everything works as it should. Ken would love it. Today Wendy changed the filters in the refrigerators. First she ordered the filters on Amazon and today she installed them. One of the fridges has a place to get water and ice from the door. The water was always slow so we aways used the other fridge which required you to open the door and push a button. But after Wendy changed the filter the flow is high so we can use it. And she and Ken fixed the wiggly handle of the same fridge. The book of instructions was useless but Google came to the rescue. Now it does not wiggle. Wendy and I went through the shelves where Ken put stuff. We moved all his machines into the bottom drawer of the big chest. Now there are empty shelves. And we cleared up Ken's workshop. Several items needed to go to the Goodwill so after loading up the back of their vehicle, we three drove to Goodwill. We took a toaster, microwave, iron, pots, clock, hummingbird feeders, bird feeder and more. Now the workshop is tidy. And we threw bunches of stuff into the recycle bin which had been on the shelves in the garage since we moved in. Wendy filled the bird feeders for the last time. We are officially out of bird seed. I will not reorder until I return in October. I thought that the house was in good order but since Wendy has been here for two weeks, we are almost perfect. Hats off to Wendy and of course Ken who helped out. I am so fortunate that Wendy is competent and that she enjoys projects. I am a lucky lady and so is the house.

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