Saturday, April 6, 2019

April 6, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Trivets.

Beside the chair where I read and eat my breakfasts sits a trivet on the small maple table which used to be in Andrew's room. The tile was purchased by us when Ken and I were driving home from Tucson on to Toronto in 1961. It has outlines of Brith Columbia fish, which are all types of salmon. Washing the trivet over the years has removed a bit of the paint but I still love it. I keep a glass of water on that tile every day. It pleased me. On a small table on my right side is a tile we bought in Mexico many years ago. A group of us from work attended a conference in Puerto Vallarta. One morning we went to town to have lunch and visit the tile shop. By thew time we got to the tile store it had closed as it was Saturday and the little tile factory c loses at 1. But we pounded on the door and called for help. Eventually the man opened the door and let us in. There were 6 of us selecting tiles, all the while the poor man just wanted us gone. I selected carefully and finally paid the bill which turned out to cost $8. It must have taken us almost an hour to select the tiles as there were many options. Everyone bought some tiles but did not amount to much money for the store. Just down the street was a bar selling 2 for 1 drinks so we 6 order beer. 12 bottles of beer arrives on the table. John went to the rest room and when he came back to the table suggested I go to see the rest room areas. When I turned the corner I spotted my tile, the one I carefully selected. Every counter, all the walls were covered by my tiles. There were thousands of my special tiles in this little bar. Now every time I look at that trivet I smile. Happy memories. Every table in he house has a tile, used as a trivet. Every one has a story. I love them all.

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