Tuesday, April 9, 2019

April 9, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Ely's.

We had driven past the sign scores of times on W.Jackson Street in Ridgeland. Once we stopped for lunch with Don and Doreen but the restaurant was not open for lunch. Neither is it open on Sunday. We were stuck. Ken would not drive at night so even though we knew it was an excellent restaurant, we could not dine there. But tonight we did. On Sunday morning, Wendy and I were planning our meals and discovered that we had no food to cook for Tuesday. I suggested that rather than Ken cook dinner, we would go to Ely's for dinner. I knew that Wendy would drive at night. And I invited Molly and Christina to come with us. Wendy made the reservation for 6:00 to be sure Molly would not be late. We all agreed that it was worth the wait. I ate salmon but everyone else ate steak which turned out to be delicious. Of course, it is a steak house. The Ely's sign is small and you enter from the rear. The parking lot is in the back and difficult to find. The restaurant is on the second floor. Even though I knew where it was we had trouble finding the place. But the restaurant has been there for years which is a good sign. We five folks enjoyed our food and the company. This was Wendy and Ken's last evening in Mississippi so we celebrated in style. Finally, I got to eat at Ely's.

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