Wednesday, April 3, 2019

April 3, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Good News.

David call;ed me immediately after seeing the doctor this morning. The results from the pathology report were as good as it possibly could . "This is the best possible results," said the doctor. The prostate was totally removed. The cancer seemed to be localized in the prostate only. The edges around the prostate are clear. His prognosis is good. The recovery is coming nicely. David is beginning to feel some strength in his legs. His head is clear. For four days he said he felt fuzzy in his head. No lifting or strenuous activity for six weeks. And the doctor recommended that David return to a full schedule gradually. So that is what David will do. He can drive. Tomorrow he will go into work for a couple of hours. We are relieved with our good news. And no radiation at the moment. A few weeks ago I asked David how he was handling the future surgery and the knowledge that he had prostate surgery. He told me that he is doing what our family has always done, which is to figure out what needs to do and put the plan into action. Then he would put it out of his mind until it is time for the surgery. "I am not worrying," said David. The only change they made was to hire a chef to come in and cook for the family so Suzanne could look after David. The chef comes four days a week. But they will stop the cook when David gets better. David expects to cut back on the cooks days as he gets better. I have heard from Ken for years that the probability of dying from prostate cancer was small. But the thought of David having surgery at 49 was alarming and threatening. I had to talk to myself and put it out of my mind. Now I am pleased with the report. At the moment I will go with the assessment, that David received as good a result as possible from the surgery. In six weeks, they will check his numbers. So nice to get good news.

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