Tuesday, April 30, 2019

April 30, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Exercise.

I have never understood why some days the exercise regimen is easy and sometimes it is hard. The exercise is the same. I do not know if the body is weary and so muscles do not work as well as normal or is it the mind. But I do know that sometimes a walk is difficult and some times it is easy., And I have no idea why. But it is irritating. My routine is to walk at the end of the afternoon, then come home and go downstairs to go through a set of exercises with light weights. Friend Mary M. gave us all the set of exercises when she was working at NIH and they published a set of 10 exercises for older people. Ken and I had just turned 65 so she thought all of us could use them. And we did. I still use them with the weights. I only do those exercises three times a week, as they suggested. Today was a breeze. The walk which takes me about 30 minutes was pleasant. The breeze keep me cool although it was a warm 80 degrees. Immediately when I came home I went down to do the arm and leg exercises, again with no difficulty. But yesterday was a different kettle of fish. My legs always hurt when I walk but yesterday I could never get my legs working properly and I have no idea why. I actually only walked for half the time. Truth be told, the time I enjoy my walk the best is when I turn around to head for home. Maybe it is anxiety but I always am happy when I am coming home. Yesterday I wore long pants and a T shirt along with socks and sneakers. Today I wore shorts and a lighter shirt. And I wore Tevas. So maybe the temperature in my body made the difference. And sometimes I struggle to get through my set of exercises and I have no idea why. I suspect that it may all be in my head. Perhaps I am just feeling lazy which makes everything more difficult. Or perhaps there is some change in the body telling me not to exercise today. Who knows. But I know that I must walk and exercise so I keep on going even though some days are not easy. I guess that is called life.

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