Friday, April 26, 2019

April 26, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Friday Visits.

For the last few weeks, Molly and Christina have dropped by my home just to say hello and for Molly to have a treat from Ken's stash of chocolate bars. A couple of times I needed something done but now they just come for a goodie and a visit. I like the visit and Molly enjoys the goodies. Ken had ordered a new batch of goodies a couple of weeks before he died. He loved chocolate and always wanted them in the pantry. He kept chocolate bars in his bedside table and on the shelves beside his chair. He orders from Amazon and orders in bulk. When Ken died, there were 8 boxes of different types of chocolate bars, unopened. In addition he ordered six boxes of dark chocolate for me. I do not eat milk chocolate so one Friday afternoon I invited Christina to bring Molly after school to help eat what we call "Ken's Stash". And Molly always takes a bar home for Kate, just in case Kate comes home for part of the weekend. So the stash is getting smaller but we have a way to go. Molly enjoys history and I know they have been studying the 2nd World War so today we talked the whole time about that war. She knows a lot. Her teacher is also interested in History and she has brought history alive for those 5th graders. And we talked about the Russian royal family and the British royals too, where she knows more than I do. So these Friday afternoons give me great pleasure because we talk about interesting things all the while Molly works away at Ken's stash. For Molly, it is a treat at the end of her school week and a reminder of how she loved Ken. For me, it is a quiet time with just Molly and Christina on their own. When the older girls are there Molly takes a back seat during any conversation. But our Friday afternoons are special, which are enjoyed by all three but especially me. I too am interested in history so between the visit and the conversation I am full of glee. These Friday visits are a hit.

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