Monday, April 22, 2019

April 22, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. T Shirts.

The T Shirt I wore today has the name on the front printed in a circle surrounding a tree. Cedar Creek is the name in the circle. Wearing that shirt gives me great pleasure. Cedar Creek was a vineyard in the Okanagan Valley south of Kelowna. Ken and I spent two weeks staying in a time share many years ago. We had camped in the valley on our way home from Arizona in 1962 and we always wanted to get back which we did in the 90's. We explored the area. Every day we headed out. My friend Beverley spent five days with us. Every day we visited a winery. And I bought this T shirt. The places were beautiful all built in the grand European style. We tasted the wine and we ate lunch in those lovely places, always overlooking the fields we drank their wine. Bev was a wine snob but even she enjoyed the wine. The whole ambiance was spectacular. So much so that we ordered wine shipped to us in Nova Scotia. Three cases from three different winyards. Unfortunately, when we finally got to drink the wine Ken and I discovered that the wine was not really very good. But I still love my T shirt along with the happy memories. Another shirt I wear reads "The Road Kill Cafe". This place was the little store and cafe, run by Barbara. It was the closest place to the farm so we went there often. I love to wear it. We could order a bowl of soup for $1.50, served in a serving bowl. One day when I was paying the bill I suggested to Barbara that she could charge a bit more for the soup. After all, I told her, Ken and I ate our supper including a drink and a roll for $5. So she did. The next time she printed a new menu the price for the soup was $3. each. Ken suggested that I should keep my mouth shut. Another T shirt that brings happy memories is a shirt I bought at a real estate convention. On the front is printed SOLD, but printed in blocks of houses. I have enjoyed every convention I ever attended so wearing that shirt is a happy reminder of those national conventions. I would book a three bedroom suite and a bunch of agents would bunk in together. We learned and we had fun. Now I enjoy that shirt. Those shirts all all old. I am amazed they are in good shape. I love them all with their happy memories. Amazing what keeps me happy.

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