Sunday, April 28, 2019

April 28, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. A Salvation Army Day.

Saturday was a big day at the Jackson Corps of the Salvation Army. The whole division met, which meant Salvations from Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi got together. In the morning a Music Festival was presented by the young people. It included timbrel, both beginners and advanced along with both girls and boys choruses, the girls better than the boys. And there was a small band, which was not good. The gym was full and people seemed enthusiastic with each performance. I clapped along with everyone else but I was not impressed with the quality of the music. But two performances were outstanding, which were short plays written and performed by the young people. I was impressed. In the afternoon a Soldiers Meeting was held. The chapel was full to overflowing with over 400 people attending. People came from the corps all over the division. The purpose of the meeting was a visit to Mississippi from National Headquarters Chief of Staff and his wife. In addition, the Commissioner of the Southern Territory were there too and took their part through the afternoon. The band was big and pretty good. They had girls doing dancing and a woman chorus which was just pretty good. But what was impressive was the leaders. But the Commissioner and his wife and the Chief of Staff and his wive were excellent. Of course, they got to their positions because of their speaking., But with all four, they played their part efficiently and with enthusiasm. And they did not waste time. One of the most impressive part of the day was the enrollment of both Junior and Senior soldiers. 25 senior and 22 juniors. I came home for lunch and a bit of a break between events. I attended because I wanted to see how it would be done. I was impressed with the people but not the music. Today I stayed home and did not attend church. Yesterday was enough c church for the weekend for me. But I was surprised that I enjoyed the day at the Army. I keep trying to figure out if it is nostalgia on my part, or perhaps my need to be around people that keeps me attending. Yesterday was a big day at the Jackson Corps of The Salvation Army. And I was part of the show.

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