Sunday, March 21, 2021

March 21, 2021, Madison, Mississippi. Green Beans.

Finally, the huge cans of green beans went out my door. Michael, Chantes' son, took them off my hands and took them to his church, where they prepare many meals for people with limited means. He came last evening to get paid. His friend had checked my computer when the screen went blank, and I was away when I was told the computer could be fixed for $500. So Michael paid his friend the $35. to check it out. I needed to reimburse Michael. When he was coming over, I had the bright idea to see if his church would take my huge cans of green beans. I did a Ken and received something that I did not want even though it was something I had ordered. I intended to order from Amazon 6 cans of green beans. In the Fall, a large, heavy box arrived which I could not carry to the kitchen. I opened the box by the front door to discover 6 industrial cans of beans. The cans looked to be at a summer camp or a Salvation Army center for men. Being eternally optimistic, I told Kashina that I would open a can and eat some, then put the rest in baggies in the freezer. It did not work. My can opener would not open the can easily. And when I froze the baggies and tried to reuse them the beans were soggy and mushy, which happened just this week. So I thought through the places whereI could donate the beans. Michael was the first one I asked. He was delighted to be able to take them to his church. I am so pleased to have them gone from my pantry if for no reason than they were a constant reminder of my stupidity. Now I have empty shelves which please me. Even Kashina was pleased to see them gone. She knew my system would never work but she was too polite to tell me. Today when she saw the empty shelves she admitted to me the my plan would never work. "Too many means is too many beans,"she said. Now they are gone and we are both happy.

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