Wednesday, April 14, 2021

April 14, 2021. Madison, Mississippi. Vaccine.

Yesterday morning I received my second Covid shot. From the time Kashina and I left the car, the system was smooth and we were back in the car in 6 minutes which seemed unbelievable. But it is true. We walked into the pharmacy, which is at the front of the store. We registered at the counter and gave them my card given to me after I got the first shot. They needed nothing furthur from me. I walked 5 steps expecting to sit and wait but as we appoached the office they called my name. I went into the office, received the shot and left, after they gave me back my card saying that I have been fully vacinated. Six minutes later we were back in the car. We were both amazed. I have no idea who set up their system but it has been a good one. Over 50% of the Mississippi population has received their two shots which is impressive. When the vaccine first was available, people had difficulty making an appointment so they booked a time slots in smaller towns. More outlets were added so life got easier. I received my shots at Krogers, a large grocery store while Kashina had hers at the Rankin County Fairground, where you did not get out of your car. Mississippi has vacinated a higher percentage of Aftican Americans than any other state, on a per capata basis. Pretty good. And unusual to see Mississippi at the top of anything. I have been told that people experience difficulty with the second shot. Fatigue has been common and flu symptoms. To avoid troubles, I started taking Tylenol before I got the shot and I have continues to take it every four hours. I wanted to stay ahead of the troubles. So far I have been fine. I suspect I would have had a headache with out the Tylenol. It is another side effect and I feel I might have a headache. But I am walking and talking. So now I am done with the vaccine. Hurrah.

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