Tuesday, April 27, 2021

April 27, 2021. Madison, Mississippi. Cigar and Scotch.

This evening, friend John came to sit on the deck and drink a glass of Scotch and smoke a cigar in honor of Andrew. Yesterday was Andrew's birthday but John was unable to come but today was the day. John called late in the afternoon to see if he could come right away. He was taking his son Payton to a martial arts class so the timing would be perfect. And the day was beautiful. John brought his own Scotch and cigar. We sat outside on the deck in the comfortable chairs. First we took the cushions from the outside locker, the first time of the season. My deck is lovely, overlooking the water and a place where Ken and I sat most afternoons. But sitting outside in a lovely place makes me feel lonely so I only sit outside with a friend. Today John was that friend and we had a good time. We talked about real estate and family. And we talked about the pleasures of being with Andrew. John was a good friend of Andrew and John misses him still. Kate is John's older sister who is married and lives in Nashville. But John told me that they are moving from Nashville and will move to the little town close to the family farm in Lousiana, just north of Baton Rouge. We talked about the life style change. Kate and her husband have bought a 1910 house which is in much need of restoration. Right now the contractors are doing their inspections and pricing but it seems as if they will proceed with the purchase. The goal of moving is to be closer to family. John's family has lived in the same area since the 18th Century so there are family members everywhere. I wish them well. I enjoyed the visit with John. He is one fine fellow.

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