Sunday, July 11, 2021

July 11, 2021. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Anna.

Anna is helping me for the third time thir summer. We get along well and we have a good time together. It is a mutually beneficial ageement. She enjoys working with me and I appreciate her help and her company. Anna is not well educated but she is smart and energetic. Mennonites do not belive in education beyond grade school. But after she and her husband Abe left their mennonite church, she took a typing and computer course so she can type quickly and she does all their accounting on the computer. I am happy to be working with her again this summer. The government allows Anna to help me even when I am isolating but we must stay in separate rooms, which is no problem. This Friday, Anna went to the grocery store for me. We had made a list on Monday. She stops at the grocery store first thing in the morning, on the way to start her day. I was still eating breakfast when she arrived. The first thing she does upon arrival is to empty the dishwasher. Next she launders clothes. Every Friday she cooks. Friday she cooked a big pot of stew which will last me all week. After she finished cooking we both went to the workshop bedroom to try to put the bed in it's proper place. We managed to move a heavy workbench without removing all the drawers. With me pushing and Anna pulling we were able to find the spot for the bed. Tomorrow Anna will launder the sheets and make up the bed. Every Monday Anna launders my sheets and changes my bedding. And she launders everything in my basket. When I am finished with isolation, she will take me walkig. And this coming Friday we will go out to lunch to celebrate that we are once again, together again. Anna is a very special lady and I am grateful to be working with her.

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