Monday, July 5, 2021

July 5, 2021. Western Head, Nova Scotia. The Day After.

The day of travel is always difficult. I have learned to merely open my cases in order to remove nighly medications and then go to bed. In years past, I forced myself to put away all my elongings from the case and the bckpack but I have learned to leave everything alone and go to bed. That was what I did this time. I slept well and woke up at 5:00 wide awake and started puttering around in the bedroom. At 7:00 I took my morning medications expecting to go downstairs but decided to lie back down. I next awoke at 11:00, ready for the day. In past years, I was ready for the world but was not totally on my best so I have learned that I should be careful because I make mistakes. My first day home here in Nova Scotia was productive. I just put things away. Plus I returned the objects in the house to their proper place. By the end of the day I could function at home. But what a big difference in my life. I turned on the heat in the bedroom my first night here and I have kept it on. I wore wool socks. The temperature outside on Saturday was 54 degrees and the sea was calm. Sunday was 57 degrees with high surf. Today was 70 degrees and sunny. And the surfers were out. By the evening of my first full day here I began to feel normal so even though travel is tiring, the effects wear off. The day after travel I return to almost normal and by today I am as good as I ever get. I am always grateful for the day after when my systems return to normal. And every day gets better. Today the sun shone all day and it was beautiful at Western Head in Nova Scotia. I am pleased to be here.

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