Thursday, July 1, 2021

July 1, 2021. Toronto, Ontario. The Covid Tests.

On Monday I took a Covid test in San Antonio at 1:00. We expected to get the results 24 hours later. But we went out to our final dinner worried about not getting that test. I knew not having the results would prohibit my journey to Canada. But at 10:30pm I got the e mail. so I could proceed with my travels. We were so worried about getting the results that on Monday afternoon Suzanne and I took a rapid test even though the Canadians will not allow the test. But finally the negative results arrived. When I checked in at the counter on Wednesday, the lady needed to look at all my documents. My papers passed that first time which was repeated at the second flight plus when going through customs and immigration. And I was allowed into Canadsa because all the paper work was correct. Then I went to to Covid test section. I had pre registered for the test. First my request had to be found. Then it needed to switch the information into the company doing the test. This took 20 minutes. Then I went to the next station with people wearing robes and gloves. Funally I met the nurse who took the test. So in two days I have had 3 Covid tests. This afternoon my test results arrived via internet, which was negative, which was not a surprise. So now I am free to leave my isolation in Toronto. Tomorrow, I fly to Halifax and then on to Liverpool. Mr. Gaskell will pick me up and Mary & Walt will turn on the lights and open the door. I have been approved to enter Nova Scotia but I do not trust them. I am still keeping Plan B. in place just incase I have trouble. To tomorrow I am on the plane again. And I hope all will go well.

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