Friday, March 13, 2015

March 13, 2015. Ridgeland, MS. Letdown.

Once upon a time a couple knocked at our front door. They were dressed for the party. The only problem was that the party was the next night. We all laughed and had a drink together and they did it all again the next evening. But it was an anti climax for them. You could tell that they were ready for the party and they were let down. The same thing happened to me today. I went to my PET can at 10:00 only to find that the machine was broken. A service man was working to fix the problem so we waited for an hour but finally I had to reschedule for next Tuesday. Getting ready for a PET scan is not insignificant. The day before the scan you must eat no carbs. No pasta, no rice, no potatoes, no bread, no crackers, no cereal. Then nothing to eat or drink after midnight on the day of the scan, except for the water to take your medication. I arrived for the scan all ready for the big scan, only to be denied. I felt just like that couple who arrived at the party the day early. It was all a big anti climax.

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