Saturday, March 21, 2015

March 21, 2015. Ridgeland, MS. My Friends.

Once upon a time, we all lived in Bethesda, Maryland. Now we are scattered, except in the summer when we all spend the summer in Nova Scotia, overlooking the bold Atlantic Ocean. Mary and Cliff live in Ocean View, Delaware. Last year, they renovated their summer house and sold their Annapolis home and now spend the year in Delaware, except for the months in Nova Scotia. Gill lives in Toronto and Wendy and Clausen in Potomac, so neither of them had seen the new home. This weekend, they are all there having a party, drinking scotch and eating steak. I know because they phoned me. They wanted to put me on the face stuff but I have no interest in seeing me. I am quite a sight. But we would love to be with them and enjoy the weekend together. They have been loyal and helpful during my illness and treatment. One of the side benefits of my situation is that your friends and family stay in touch with me more than is normal. Wendy gets the gold star because she e mails me eery day, and sometimes twice. I am fortunate with my friends. Ken and I would love to be at the party in Delaware with our good friends. But actually, they might have run out of bedrooms. We must wait until we are in Nova Scotia to do our parties!!

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