Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May 1, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. My Helper.

In honor of my sister's birthday, I ran errands. Carol always had a long list of tasks to accomplish before the day was done, so today I decided to run errands with my helper Kashina. As I have gotten older, I need more help and have had no problem asking for help. But without my helper here at home I would have trouble. Fortunately, Kashina helps me two days a week. I woke up in the middle of the night in a panic. It was the first night after Ken died. Ken had helpers all year but now I would no longer have the helpers. But it downed on my that I could ask Kashina to work for me twice a week. After I figured out that solution, I no longer was anxious. I was not trapped. Today was a perfect example. Kashina drives my car. First we went to the shoe repair man to have a sole glued back in place. Next we drove to Target, where I needed a container to hold Ken's canes plus new pants and shirts for me. The store was mostly empty which made life easier for me. Kashina helped look for objects and a nice young man helped us too. It turned out that he was the big manager but he helped me look for clothes for me. Pretty nice. Next up we went for lunch at Logan's Roadhouse, just across the street from the shopping center. Then I went into Krogers grocery store while Kashina waited in the car. I needed fruit and berries. The shoes were ready so we picked them up. On the way home we stopped for gas. When we got home, Kashina brought the groceries plus all my Target belongings into the house. By then it was almost 4:00 so Kashina left. Our day was successful. For me to accomplish all those tasks myself would have been difficult. It would have been several different Lyft trips. So I was smart to decide to hire Kashina. She has made my life much easier since Ken died. I am not shy in asking help when I am out by myself. I ask to take an arm when the hostess is taking me to a table in the restaurants. Fortunately, I always get the help I need. But Kashina is the biggest help of all. And I am grateful.

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