Friday, September 20, 2019

September 20, 2019. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Dinner.

I along with Sandra, Wendy and Clausen, were invited for dinner at the home of Cathy and Brian. He was the builder of the Ely's home and we have been friends with them ever since. Their home is in Eagle Head over looking the Eagle Head Harbour and the Bay. The location is magnificent. Their front patio overlooking the water is the most impressive spot for cocktails that I have ever seen. Brian built the house and it is beautiful. Cathy also has good taste so the interior of the home is well appointed. I had not seen their home for a couple of year so I was again impressed. It is elegant and comfortable. Clausen drove us. Cathy served a seafood casserole. Our white plates were made in the shape of a fish, which was impressive. And we ate squash and a broccoli salad along with the seafood casserole which was loaded with scallops, shrimp and lobster. Everyone went back for a second helping. And for dessert, served on small fish plates we ate an apple dish, with a shortbread crust, almonds, cheesecake, topped with whipped cream. It was delicious. The whole;e evening put my entertaining to shame. The best part of the evening was the conversation. We discussed sleep patterns, natural medicine, PEI and Cape Breton. And a few other things too. These 6 friends enjoyed an evening together. And Cathy cooked everything. I enjoyed the evening thoroughly.

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