Monday, December 28, 2020

December 28, 2020. Madison, Mississippi. The Sun God.

Yesterday morning I was reminded why so many cultures worshipped the Sun as a God. For Mississippi, the nights have been cold, even below freezing. The temperature goes to 28F. We have also had rain and wind storms during the night so most of the leaves are off the trees. This house looks east from the back of the house, so I see the sun across the lake, the one everyone calls the Reservoir. First thing yesterday morning I got up to see the sun streaming into the bedroom and the TV room. The sun brought warmth and light and made everything in my world just a little brighter. The same was true for the living room. I eat breakfast in the chair in the corner, beside the windows. In the winter, the sun shines on my book or magazine. I use a music stand to hold my book or magazine so I can move the music holder so the sun shines on the page, making it easier to read. And the sun keeps me warm. In the winter, the living room in the morning is flooded with light from the sun. And I could easily be convinced of the Sun God.

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