Tuesday, December 8, 2020

December 8, 2020. Madison, Mississippi. Oranges.

When I was a chid, every Christmas I received a big orange in my stocking. Fruit was only available during the growing season so eating a big juicy orange Christmas morning was a treat. In addition, we also ate tangerines at Christmas. They were easy to peel and sweet. I loved them. But we could only buy them at Christmas. Now that we are able to buy fruit all year the thrill of a big juicy orange looses its appeal. Perhaps the fruit really is not as good now but perhaps my memory plays tricks. At my front door today was a box of oranges, sent from Pittman & Davis, sent to me for Christmas. I send fruit of the month to my Texas and Mississippi family but I never send any to me. So this year I decided to send myself a gift. The box arrived today. They are big and juicy, just as I thoiught they would be. I will eat every one before leaving for Mexico and I will be grateful for those oranges. But I bet this year there will be no orange in my stocking!!

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