Friday, December 4, 2020

December 4, 2020. Madison, Mississippi. A Delicious Surprise.

I was drinking my breakfast cup of tea this morning when my phone rang. Greta Barbour asked if she could bring lunch to me today. I was delighted. I quickly jumped into the shower but before I was finished dressing, Greta Barbour walked in the front door. The children were spending the day at the farm and GB intended to shop for Christmas but she also wanted to pop in to see me. She brought lunch from a Greek restaurant YiaYia, on Highway 51, pretty close to me. I have eaten there once. Kashina hated the food while I loved it. And GB brought enough food for us to have lunch together. We sat in the living room in the comfortable chairs to eat our delicious lunch. And we talked. Until GB called, I was going to be by mysel all day. But no more. I ate a delicious lunch and enjoyed our lengthy conversation. I am not in love with surprise parties but having lunch spontaneously arrive made my day. My friends are very kind indeed.

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