Sunday, May 10, 2015

May 10, 2015. Harper, Texas. Texas Wildflowers.

Every year we are surprised with their beauty and simplicity. Both side of the highways large and small are covered with wildflowers. And I mean covered. Some fields are filled too. The sights are unbelievable. Rumor has it that one of the workmen suggested planting wildflowers on the highways as a way to cut down on the expense of mowing the grass, so the department tried it and Lady Bird took up the cause and soon there were flowers everywhere. I don't really know how it all happened but I am certainly pleased with the results. The problem is the timing. I can not tell you to travel to Texas on a specific date in order to see the blossoms. Many factors contribute to the blooms, especially the heat and the rain. In DC, we often had the cherry blossoms and then we had the Cherry Blossom Festival, but often not on the same date. This year marked a red letter day with both appearing on the same date. But not in Texas. Parts of the Hill Country blossoms come late as the elevation is higher. The famous bluebonnets are finished outside of San Antonio while in the Hill Country they are just opening and are marvelous. But the blossoms are always beautiful and always come as a surprise. Journeying to Texas in the Spring is well worth a visit if only for the wildflowers.

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